

Download SoundHound For PC

Identify the music around you and get the real-time lyrics of it by using the SoundHound for PC. Download this app on Windows 11/10/8/7 & Mac.

Identify songs and play music with the SoundHound app

Identify songs playing around you! Get artist and album information, listen to your favorite tracks, and get karaoke-style song lyrics in real-time.

Music for SoundHound電腦版下載

2023年5月23日 — 《Music for SoundHound》是一款由Music Player for Soundcloud開發的音樂音頻類app。本頁面下載的Music for SoundHound电脑版是透過安裝安卓模擬器在電腦 ...

SoundHound Alternatives for Windows

2024年2月2日 — SoundHound is not available for Windows but there are some alternatives that runs on Windows with similar functionality.

Soundhound For PC , Windows, Mac [Guide] (Windows ...

2023年7月31日 — How to Install Soundhound on PC. It's easy to use and can be used on your PC or MAC. All you need to do is download the guide to get started.

SoundHound for Windows 10

2017年6月1日 — Unlimited music recognition. Identify original music or a singing search with the touch of a button. SoundHound is instant music and discovery.

SoundHound Music App

Discover and play your favorite songs by simply humming or singing. Sing along, get recommendations, and add to your playlists by just using your voice.

SoundHound 音樂識別搜尋器及播放器電腦版下載

搜尋• 點按橙色按鈕,即時認出歌曲和查看實時歌詞、播放影片、分享、串流或購買• 向著SoundHound 唱出或哼出旋律,找出在您腦海中揮之不去的歌曲• 你自己的搜索歷史(注冊 ...

SoundHound∞ 音樂搜尋及播放器- PC電腦玩手遊

2023年5月26日 — 下載安裝SoundHound∞ 音樂搜尋及播放器電腦PC版,支援鍵盤和滑鼠操控,穩定多開不卡頓,在電腦上大螢幕上免費暢玩各類手機遊戲.

在電腦上下載SoundHound 音樂識別搜尋器及播放器

2022年11月3日 — 如何在電腦上用GameLoop 玩SoundHound 音樂識別搜尋器及播放器 · 1. 從官網下載GameLoop,然後運行exe文件安裝GameLoop · 2. 打開GameLoop,搜索“ ...

MediaHuman Lyrics Finder 1.5.6 歌曲歌詞搜尋工具

MediaHuman Lyrics Finder 1.5.6 歌曲歌詞搜尋工具
